Tuesday 6 May 2008

Finaly some progress - libCPU compiles :)

After several days (and evenings) of hard tries to become more familiar (and efficient) with Symbian C++ tools I managed (with help from developer.symbian.com - kudos to MaxPayne) to compile libcpu :).

It required some minor changes to compile, most significantly - renaming some *.h files to *.inl and including them in the *.cpp files as *.inl. It seems that Symbian's build environment is rather picky in terms of *.h files validation, and if *.h are simply macros or raw parts of code to be included in *.cpp files - it will fail miserably.

I dont know if it works at all yet, but right now i focus on recompiling the whole source code - and then we will see what happens. Hopefuly with the knowledge i gained on CPU the rest will take shorter to make it compilable. Stay tuned for details.

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