This made my day. After resolving memory allocation issue (PANIC ALLOC - simply resolution by setting more HEAP size in *.mmp file for this application, using EPOCHEAPSIZE directive. Once again kudos go to MaxPayne from developer.symbian.com for a hint on this) the app passes real dosbox init (of all subsystems like memory, cpu, ints, h/w, etc.).
So now we can enjoy this gorgeous dosbox shell prompt well known for all win/unix/ppc users (see above). It seems that 'basic' porting of dosbox to symbian/uiq was much easier than i initially anticipated. Now (excluding all the potential changes to be done in the base dosbox code) it is 'only' a matter of:
- proper rendering,
- handling input (probably some virtual keyboard below, as luckily dos game modes are usually 320x200, so 40 pixels left)
- handling io ops - to be able to start any app in it :).
- moving it all to real device.
The future looks bright...
There were also some game using non standard resolutions and some of them was 320x240 also.
Games like "pinball fantasies" was using (i think) 320x400 (you can select it inside the game in the options page) and it is working on windows dosbox (anyway i think the best solution would be to forbid such resolutions on mobiles since they goes beyond the native resolution and the objective to increase graphics quality).
Other games such as "the incredible machine 1" use 640x480 or 640x400 (16colours) wich means a fast skip even pixels shoud work fine (they are configurable via dosbox.conf).
Last thing: virtual keyboard should be needed when you don't have qwerty like on p1i :D
Hope this somehow helps, good job ;)
Wow, seriously, this is really great news.
I hope that you really can get it all working, especially since UIQ3 needs a major boost when it comes to software.
Tons of luck with your project!!
Fantastic project, really well done. I'm an S60 user myself, so I hope someone ports it to S60v3 when you're finished. Best of luck.
You, sir, are made of pure WIN.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.
(he says, browsing on a P1i)
Soooo, any updates???
Since the last post was about a month ago.
Do you need any help? I'm C++ programmer but no experience in UIQ.
It seems like he stumbled upon some problem with the MOUNT command in DOSBox?
This is his last thread in the DOSBox forum anyway.
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