This made my day. After resolving memory allocation issue (PANIC ALLOC - simply resolution by setting more HEAP size in *.mmp file for this application, using EPOCHEAPSIZE directive. Once again kudos go to MaxPayne from developer.symbian.com for a hint on this) the app passes real dosbox init (of all subsystems like memory, cpu, ints, h/w, etc.).
So now we can enjoy this gorgeous dosbox shell prompt well known for all win/unix/ppc users (see above). It seems that 'basic' porting of dosbox to symbian/uiq was much easier than i initially anticipated. Now (excluding all the potential changes to be done in the base dosbox code) it is 'only' a matter of:
- proper rendering,
- handling input (probably some virtual keyboard below, as luckily dos game modes are usually 320x200, so 40 pixels left)
- handling io ops - to be able to start any app in it :).
- moving it all to real device.
The future looks bright...